yin = soft, feminine, inward
church = a safe, spiritual place to rest 


Yin Church is a once-a-week opportunity to step away from distractions, slow down and listen to the wisdom of your body.


Based on the idea that all bodies, all genders and all races have the same capacity for spiritual insight, Yin Church is working to dismantle egotism, patriarchy, sexism, racism and homophobia in the spiritual world.


Yin Church is designed to help you stop punishing, ignoring or demonizing your body. You’ll learn tools and techniques to care for yourself just as much as you care for others.


By setting aside time every week to feel your feelings, relax your muscles and quiet your mind, you’ll experience how truly marvelous it is to be in your body - instead of always complaining or thinking there’s something wrong with you.


Yin Church is led by Sally Miller, a yin yoga and meditation teacher with 20 years of teaching experience and 25 years of personal practice in the Feminine Wisdom Traditions of Shri Vidya and Tibetan Buddhism.


Regardless of whether you identify as Yogi, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Atheist, Hindu or Jew, all are welcome at Yin Church.


You don’t need to be flexible, strong or love your body to attend. You can come just as you are (with aches and pains and self-hatred as companions on your mat).


Yin Church is held on Sundays from 11am - 12pm ET on ZOOM.

Click here to join

*** Buy One, Gift One! ***

 When you purchase a Yin Church membership, we gift a membership to someone else in the community who wants to join but can’t afford it.



Who is Yin Church for?


Yin Church is for people who want a spiritual practice but are disillusioned by the violence, prejudice and abuse that runs rampant in many organized religions.


Some, but not all members of Yin Church have done yin yoga before and crave more consistency in their home practice.


Most people who sign up for Yin Church do so because they love coming back to their yoga mat at least once-a-week and love being guided by Sally's voice.


Yin Church is open to women, men, trans and non-binary folks. You are welcome to come to Yin Church no matter your race, religion, sexual orientation, age or level of physical ability.



What will we do in Yin Church?


Yin Church is designed like a yoga class but much slower than you might expect and with many more variations given for each posture than you might be used to receiving in other classes. Yin Church also includes short periods of silence to give you the opportunity to truly listen to your own body and your own experience.


You’ll be guided through a 10-minute opening meditation that you can do either sitting up or on your back. Then we’ll practice 4 to 5 yin yoga postures with plenty of variations given to make sure each posture is accessible and appropriate for YOUR BODY.  


Our goal in moving into different yin yoga postures (i.e. “shapes”) is to give the body a chance to release tension - not to try and “perfect” a pose or “perform” a pose for others to see.


We conclude with 10-minutes of Shavasana, the Yogi’s Corpse Pose, as a way of deeply resting the body & mind before re-entering the day.


Do I need any special props for Yin Church?


One soft, cozy blanket is required. Other props are optional.


You will see that Sally has quite a few props (because she loves them)… and you can choose to invest in props at your own pace. Here is a list of all the props we might use. 


What will I learn in Yin Church?


  1.  How to love the skin you’re in

  2.  How to trust yourself

  3.  How to feel your feelings instead of repressing them

  4.  How to skillfully step away from distractions (like social media and social pressure) so that you feel less scattered and more centered

  5.  How to pause, feel the ground, and be more present in your life


What makes Yin Church different from other forms of Church?


  1.  We meet on ZOOM from the comfort of home in whatever clothes you feel most comfortable wearing

  2.  There are no lectures or sermons - Just simple instructions and time in   silence

  3.  There are no guidelines or expectations about how you should live outside of  Yin Church. We trust that when you and your body are friends again, you will act in a way that is more kind and compassionate toward yourself and everyone else around you


Do I have to be atheist to come to Yin Church?


No. The whole point of Yin Church is that you can believe or not believe whatever you want. We will practice dropping our thoughts about right and wrong and listening to the non-verbal, sensorial wisdom of the body.


Are there values that guide Yin Church?


Yes. Yin Church is led by a human teacher (Sally Miller) and operated as a for-profit business. As such, we feel it is appropriate to adhere to a few core values and make them known to you.


Here are our core values:


 1. Your Body is Sacred

 2. No one understands your truth better than you

 3. When we’re kind toward ourselves, it’s much easier to be kind to others

 4. All beings deserve our respect and compassion, regardless of race, nationality,
     gender, religion, political affiliation, dietary preferences and sexual orientation


How much does it cost to join Yin Church?


The price to join Yin Church is $108 per month.


You can sign up anytime during the month, and your payment will give you access to the next 4 Sundays of live Yin Church on ZOOM with Sally. You'll also get recordings for no additional charge.


You can cancel your membership anytime.

Click here to join

*** Buy One, Gift One! ***

 When you purchase a Yin Church membership, we gift a membership to someone else in the community who wants to join but can’t afford it.

What if I'm not physically fit or flexible?


It doesn't matter! The whole premise of Yin Church is that ALL BODIES ARE SACRED. 


Please come to Yin Church no matter how stiff, tired, achey or cranky you feel. You'll be in good company with other people who have a wide range of physical abilities and lots of different body shapes and sizes.


Do I need to turn my camera on while I'm in Yin Church?


Absolutely not.


You can keep your camera OFF the whole time if you'd like. Yin Church is meant to be a safe place for you to take care of your body and mind without needing to worry about what you look like.


Click here to join

*** Buy One, Gift One! ***

 When you purchase a Yin Church membership, we gift a membership to someone else in the community who wants to join but can’t afford it.

How do I apply for a free Yin Church membership?


Please enter your name and email address on this form.


How does the Buy One, Give One program work?


We maintain a list of people under financial stress who are interested in joining Yin Church but can't afford it at this time. We give away a free membership to one of these individuals every time someone else pays for a membership.


If the paying member cancels their subscription, the gifted membership also expires.